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托福独立作文开头 Recently

发布:2024-02-21 19:31:11 69



  It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way- in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or forevil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

  ——Charles Dickens "A Tale of Two Cities"

  表示时间的词有:times、age、epoch、season 这些都是"时间"多样性的表达,这就符合我们前面说的语言多样性。

  表示反向意义的词有:the best、the worst、wisdom、foolishness、belief、incredulity、light、darkness。把事物的两面性呈现的非常的精妙,这种没有办法去辩驳的方式适用于大多数情况。读着就感觉非常的大气,读到这样的文字也会让人陷入思考,也经得起思考,所以这样的文字才可能成为经典。在拿到这样的开头时我们就知道,两面性呈现的无法让人辩驳。每件事物都是这个样子,都存在两面性,这样的开头是读者希望看到的,留下深刻印象的。

  注意了,很多人的开头都会用With the development of science,society or economy......【随着.......发展】,叙述一种趋势。而后半句往往与前半句没有逻辑联系。而且这种句式是非常容易与人撞车的。即使后面的内容再精彩,也会让考官对你的印象大打折扣。所以,引入的第一句话相对比较难,也非常重要!

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  People should not be permitted to use mobile phones on public transportation vihicles.

  背景信息句:With the number of cell phone owners reaching to an unprecedented height, no one shall deny the powerful role this tiny communication device plays.

  改写观点句+个人观点句:Recently, a controversial proposal was put forward, suggesting that the use of mobile phones be prohibited on buses, trains or airplanes. Based on my observation 【From my perspective】, not all public vehicles should issue such mobile phone bans.

  Items made by hand or items made by machine, which do you prefer?

  背景信息句: Having a glimpse of supplies of commodities in the market, we may find that consumers are facing more choices today. thus, it has been a routine for potential buyers to make comparisons before deciding on the most satisfactory choices.

  改写观点句: Criteria for their judgement may be associated with a number of elements, including personal preferences, specific functions, and unique features among others. Some people prefer to select items made by hand, while pthers would select those made by machine.

  个人观点句:According to my preference, machine-made products are more advantageous.


  【1】 加上姓名、时间、地点等






  如此是要求大家有精读总结能力、听力抓点能力与速记 note making能力。这些能力针对考生把握重点写作信息是更加重要的。在此还要提醒的是记笔记的能力,常常决定考试的成败。





托福独立作文开头 本文分享到此结束,希望对大家有所帮助。

标签: theing

